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Genesis of a Historical Novel

Friday, May 06, 2011

a python is born

It's been some time since I've posted to this blog, but I've not been idle. For the past few months I've been working to publish another novel of mine, and I'm happy to announce that now it's done.

My literary thriller, Truth of the Python, is now for sale at Smashwords and on Amazon. In it, a hypnotherapist and his young client discover that they have unfinished business with each other--from twenty-five centuries ago.

Right now it's priced at $0.99. I warmly invite you to check it out. Download a sample, or be bold and spring for the whole price right up front, read it, and write a review. Tell me and the world what you think of it.

I've also got a new website with a new blog. Come on over.

Back to work...



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